“I learned to be patient and not jumpy. You helped me deal with difficulties and my mental illness. Thanks for your kindness and support.”
Anonymous participant, coping with a mental disability
Many people with disabilities are excluded from society and are prone to struggle with everyday tasks. A lack of computer-related knowledge adds yet another obstacle to the social inclusion of disabled people. Among other challenges, they are unable to access online services from the community, businesses and other commercial enterprises.
Our targeted curriculum introduces people with disabilities to a variety of advanced tools and technological software. Participants are taught how to use a variety of recreation websites and sources of knowledge, such as YouTube, Facebook, and email. They also learn about online tools that make everyday life easier, such as websites informing them of their rights; websites related to Israel’s National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi), bill payment, online banking, and health maintenance organizations.
The participants strengthen their sense of self-worth and competence, presenting new opportunities for social inclusion, and deepening their connections with family, friends, and their community at large.
Many people with disabilities are pushed to the margins of society and may find it difficult to cope with everyday tasks. A lack of computer-related knowledge adds yet another obstacle to the social inclusion of people with disabilities. Among other challenges, they are unable to access online services from the community or businesses and commercial enterprises.
Our targeted curriculum connects people with disabilities to a variety of advanced tools and technological software. Participants are introduced to a variety of recreation sites and sources of knowledge, such as YouTube, Facebook, and email. They also learn about online tools that make everyday life much easier, such as websites informing them of their rights, e.g. websites related to Israel’s National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi), bill payment, banking, and health maintenance organizations.
The participants strengthen their sense of self-worth and ability, opening new opportunities for social inclusion, and deepening their connections with family, friends, and the community at large.
know how to search using Google at the end of the course, compared to 52% at the beginning
know how to send an email at the end of the course, compared to 42% in the beginning
would recommend the course to their friends.
Accessible Net Surfing
Our courses

Network to Network
A technological course that operates like a 'regular' social activity, emphasizing the experiential aspect of learning. The course is suitable for those with a basic level of computer knowledge, i.e. know how to use a mouse and keyboard and access the internet.
The participants, which include people with and without mental disabilities, are introduced to varied and diverse content from the internet. This approach seeks to challenge the existing stigma in our society. In addition to the useful technological content, the course emphasizes creating an interpersonal connection between participants as a way to facilitate meaningful learning and expanding the social circle of the participants outside the course.

Coping Together
Dealing with mental disabilities is a personal matter, but it also impacts immediate family members and one’s social circle. Understanding that these circles overlap and impact existing social interactions, program participants are pairs of adults, those coping with mental illness and those without, with whom they have an existing meaningful relationship (often a family member).
Emphasizing paired learning in the classroom and at home, the course begins by formulating a common area of interest, introducing them to a variety of useful technological computer tools, and enabling them to design a digital project, which they’ll present together at the end of the course. Developing interpersonal relationships is a key element in the course, and in addition to the work on the project, there will be a dialogue and discourse about how to create a meaningful interpersonal process. Pairs can also include those with disabilities and a caregiver.

Introduction to Computers for People with Disabilities
Intended for those who are interested in an enrichment course that covers the basic skills for using a computer.
The course offers a step-by-step introduction to the world of computers and the internet. The course’s comprehensive scope allows for extensive practice and learning tailored to the pace of the participants. Becoming more comfortable and knowledgeable using computers and the internet assists in various areas of life and strengthens the participants' sense of independence, ability, and self-confidence. The course teaches participants basic computer skills, which open possibilities for enrichment, to help participants better perform everyday tasks, expand their social circle, and improve their quality of life.

My First Computer
The program is designed for small groups (5-7 participants each) of adults with developmental disabilities. The pace of learning depends on the group’s level and understanding of the material.
The program will help the participants develop basic computer skills, such as using a mouse and keyboard, adapting the computer to the user’s accessibility needs, creating a folder, creating and saving files in software like, Word, and Powerpoint, searching on Google to locate information and images, saving images on the computer, working with several windows open at the same time, finding videos on YouTube, etc.
How can we help you?
For more details, please contact Shira Ben Aharon, Director of Programming for People with Disabilities and Senior Citizens senior@mtova.org.il