“Before Machshava Tova, my heart ached every time my granddaughter asked me - ‘Grandma, how come you don’t know what to do?’ And now, I’m the one teaching her!”
Matana Mizrahi, age 73 from Jerusalem, graduate of the Senior Digital Literacy Course, Digital Photo Album Workshop, Smartphone Workshop, and more.
In our fast-paced world, in which technology changes on a daily basis, senior citizens often have difficulty overcoming the technological gap and doing everyday, online tasks. This difficulty causes them to feel irrelevant, and pushed to the margins of society. These days, internet usage has been proven to positively influence social abilities, reduce feelings of loneliness, and increase positive attitude toward aging.
Machshava Tova uses technology as a tool to bridge social gaps, turning computers and technology into an exciting opportunity for social change. Participants strengthen their sense of self-worth and confidence in their abilities. They find new opportunities to expand their social circle and better integrate into society, while developing personal and technological knowledge that they can share with others.
Since 2018, Machshava Tova has operated programs as part of a National Initiative to Advance Digital Literacy among senior citizens as a means of promoting active aging. Introducing senior citizens to technology is an artform. Explaining technological content to seniors requires more than just speaking slowly and loudly. The initiative is a joint venture between the Ministry of Social Equality, the National Digital Israel Initiative, and JDC-Eshel.
As part of the project, Machshava Tova has operated 46 groups throughout Israel, specializing in the field of technological training for senior citizens, assisted by professionals from the technology- and senior citizens field. Together, we developed a curriculum that places the participant at the center and introduces them to technological tools from their areas of interest, tailored to their individual needs.
Israeli senior citizens connected to technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
are interested in continuing their studies
continue to make use of the technological knowledge they acquired.
Digital Literacy Course for Beginning/ Advanced Learners
The course includes learning basic computer skills, developing confidence when using the computer, and an introduction to useful tools on the computer and internet. Participants learn to carry out common, daily activities using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, to improve their quality of life.
Together at Home is a dedicated, online community platform for senior citizens designed for online learning, while simultaneously helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness. On the website, live broadcasts are available daily through ZOOM. Classes are held at fixed hours on a variety of topics, always emphasizing technology. Machshava Tova develops the content for every unique course. Classes are taught by our instructors who have vast experience in adapting content to individuals and training senior citizens. These instructors are assisted by amazing volunteers who helped launch and now operate the site.

My Smartphone Workshop for Beginners/ Advanced Learners
Participants learn how to effectively use a personal smartphone, helping them improve their daily lives and leisure time through access to information and activities. Participants get a dedicated workbook for the course.

Zoom Workshop for Computer and Smartphone
In one or two meetings, participants learn to take part in discussions and lectures using the Zoom app on a computer or mobile device. They also learn how to set backgrounds, initiate Zoom calls, and more.

Digital Photo Album Creation Workshop
Participants learn how to easily design a digital photo album, which will help them preserve memories of for example their family and grandchildren, trips abroad, and wedding photos. At the end of the workshop, the participants receive the albums they created.

Social Benefits Workshop
This workshop focuses on online services relevant to senior citizens, to improve their ability to effectively access their benefits. The workshop aims to help its participants to become more aware of their rights and how to access these rights online.
How can we help you?
Please contact Shira Ben Aharon, Director of People with Disabilities and Senior Citizens senior@mtova.org.il